
Date The High Status Way

Gentle reminder: Date the high-status way, and watch your love life thrive!

Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch: 



Get Out Of The Friend Zone

Wise Readers: Have you ever been stuck in the friend zone? Tune in to this NEW podcast episode at Meredith For Real! 

“Dr. Duana Welch is called Dear Abbey on Science. She’s the author of the book, Love Factually Author Dr. Duana Welch ,a data-driven, how-to romance book for people looking for life long love. 

In episode 163, you’ll hear:

Evolution’s impact on who pays the bill & who gets botox

Can men & women be just friends?

Dating apps & tricky fish

How to escape the friend zone

The difference between playing hard to get & having confidence”

Listen or watch:


Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch:















What is infidelity to you?

Wise Readers: What is infidelity? Where do you draw the line? Have/would you discuss/ed it with your partner?  

In this nuanced study of 7,000 Germans of various ages and genders, young adults are currently stricter about their definition of infidelity than older people. 

And in this research, men define it the same way women do. That’s different from outcomes in most other studies, where women were more bothered by emotional attachments and men were more disturbed by physical acts.

Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch: 




Did Dating Change During The Pandemic? 

Did your personality change during the pandemic? What about the personalities of people you know? If so, how? 

If you’re looking for a partner—did the pandemic change your attitudes about finding someone? Did it change the importance of having one special person in your life? Are people behaving differently than they did when/if you dated pre-pandemic? 

This study looked at over 7,000 people ages 18 to 100+, from 2014 through 2022, and found big changes in several major personality dimensions specifically tied to the pandemic. 

*The pandemic impacted personality change equivalent to what we’d usually expect to see over more than a decade. 

*Changes were largest/worst for young adults, maybe because their sense of ‘normal’ is still being shaped.

*And changes went the opposite direction from what research generally finds. Usually as we age, in my own research from my years in academia, I found that people become more optimistic, less depressed, and more emotionally stable. This study points out that usually, across the lifespan, people also become more emotionally stable and more confident. 
The pandemic reversed that. 

From the article: 

“If we look more closely, the pandemic appears to have negatively affected the following areas:

“our ability to express sympathy and kindness towards others (agreeableness);
our capacity to be open to new concepts and willing to engage in novel situations (openness);
our tendency to seek out and enjoy other people’s company (extraversion);
our desire to strive towards our goals, do tasks well or take responsibilities towards others seriously (conscientiousness).”


Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch: 



Dating After Divorce

Divorced? Daunted by dating? This new podcast I did with Lesa Koski of Doing Divorce Different is here to help!—Doctor-Duana-Welch-Part-One-e1p2hsf?%24web_only=true&_branch_match_id=1109172506111692471&utm_source=web&utm_campaign=web-share&utm_medium=sharing&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA8soKSkottLXLy7IL8lMq0zMS87IL9ItT03SSywo0MvJzMvWT9V3cs0wSg0pzjUqSQIAnFtsGzAAAAA%3D

Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch: 
