Entries in Love Factually (168)


Online Dating Can Suck Less

Wise Readers,
Hate online or on-app dating? Want to hate it less? My NEW podcast episode with Amee’ Quiriconi of One Broken Mom is here to help!




New Edition of Love Factually 10 Proven Steps is Coming

Wise Readers~

Excited to announce that there will be a new—revised and expanded—edition of my first book, Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do. Are there topics you want to see included? Burning questions the first edition doesn’t answer? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Email me at duana@lovesciencemedia.com, or comment below—thank you!



Why Science Says You Should Find Love Again


Should you find love again? Yes! Because science.
My new podcast interview is on Shot@Love—which made the short list of Top 10 Dating Podcasts You Should Listen To In 2021.
Host Kerry Brett is terrific—come hear why people love this podcast, and why, really and truly, you can and should find love, whether for the first time or again! Here’s the link!
#LoveFactually #DuanaWelch #Dating #Datingpodcast #Relationships





Loving without Hurting: using attachment style to make dating easier

Wise Readers~Have you ever:
*found someone perfect whom you just couldn’t get into?
*been attracted to anyone you knew was going to break your heart—but you got into the relationship anyway?
*wondered what the hell is wrong with people?
*done everything you could to show you loved your partner—but they still didn’t choose you?
*felt like you were in a hot-and-cold relationship (whether it was you, or they, turning the tap)?
*noticed that often, the biggest relationship issue is its emotional foundation?

If any of this fits—this webinar I did for @AustinCommunityCollege is for you. This information can change your life immensely, cutting through confusion and instantly giving you tools for a more effective search and partnership with someone where the relationship will thrive. Really!

This is all #AttachmentStyle stuff. It’s running your life. Learn more and you could be choosing better and getting what you want and need in love.

#longtermrelationship #attachment #LoveFactually #datingadvice #dating #duanawelch



Free webinar on avoiding abuse coming January 28 2021

Hey y’all, I’ve got a free webinar tomorrow at 10 a.m. PST/noon Central. If you’re concerned about you or someone else who might be in danger of abuse, or maybe you want to know more about it so you can protect your own children someday, I encourage you to sign up. See you there!
Avoiding Abusers webinar
January 28, 2021
Register Today at http://bit.ly/peacepart3

Peace In Relationships webinar series: Avoiding abusers: Coping with relationship pain during Covid and beyond
Healthy relationships require effective ways to deal with conflict. During tough times like the pandemic, our coping tools can get strained, and we might engage in hurtful patterns of interacting. How do we understand ourselves and others, and make decisions that avoid needless heartache? In the third session in this four-part webinar series, Love Factually author Dr. Duana Welch will present a science-based perspective on avoiding abusers:
What is abuse? Science shows it’s probably not what you thought it was—and early detection is key. In this webinar, you’ll learn the early warning signs and red flags before you spend years or decades in an abusive relationship—and what to do if you or someone you love is already there.
About Duana Welch
Dr. Duana Welch (pronounced DWAY-nah) is author of the Love Factually books, known for using social science to solve real-life relationship issues. She taught psychology across 20 years at the University of Florida; Cal State Fullerton; St. Edwards University; Southwestern University; and Austin Community College. Her teaching garnered awards at Cal State (Professor of the Year, 2000 and 2001) and ACC (NISOD and Outstanding Service Award, both 2012). She has contributed to NPR, PBS, Psychology Today, and numerous other outlets, podcasts, and videos. Her books are now out globally in five languages; all rely on science rather than opinion to help men and women of any age, sexual, or gender orientation find and keep the right partner. Her client practice is global, via Zoom and other technologies.