Entries in Conflict Resolution (33)


Q&A from "Gay or straight, what's the difference?"

Wise Readers, Why do gay and lesbian couples fight more fairly than straights? Why do gay men usually stay together longer than lesbian women, and what can everyone else learn from that? How do fairy tales hurt the straight people? What’s happening with global attitudes towards homosexuality? And really, is sexual orientation a choice at any point in life? Read on!

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Got Therapy? Your Questions Answered About Parenting, Sex, & Why Men Don't Want To Go To Counseling

Wise Readers: What are the four signs that your relationship is headed towards its doom—and how can you turn them around? Why do men resist therapy? Let’s talk common problems—parenting and sex, anyone? What’s the rule of thumb for how long you should go to counseling? And what are men’s and women’s top communication mistakes? Read on!

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Dealing With Your Difficult Man

Dear Duana, I loved your Difficult Woman article and wish we could make it required reading for humanity….In passing, you said, “Criticism never helps a relationship.” But you also said, “In the happiest couples, the wife does the vital job of complaining…” If we Difficult Women never criticize, how are we supposed to do our job of Dealing With (you know—changing!) our Difficult Men? Dear Anna,Your core question is one for the ages: Can you change a man? We’ve all been told it’s impossible. But is it?

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Q&A from "Dealing With Your Difficult Woman"

Wise Readers, is there an industry devoted to undermining your devotion? Does Dealing (effectively) with a Difficult Woman have some sexual perks? Read on!

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Dealing With Your Difficult Woman

Dear Duana, Women are ALWAYS right. Just ask one. That’s what I’d like to read about. I will admit that they are usually right, but how do you tactfully approach them when they are wrong?… (Does it amount to just saying Yes, Dear?)

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