Entries in Abuse (16)


Dangerous Liaisons: How two simple requirements will protect you from abusers

Wise Readers,

Ever wonder how you can avoid abusers—before they abuse you, rather than years later?  Fortunately, there are two simple steps you can take that will do this and lead to a happy, healthy relationship instead.  

NEW post at eHarmony: http://www.eharmony.com/dating-advice/about-you/dangerous-liaisons-how-2-simple-requirements-will-guard-against-abusers/#.VK2Bn1qRM5S




Q&A from "Staying Together For The Kids?"

Wise Readers, What if Stuart and Jeffrey were Stella and Jill—would having two moms who were looking for extra-relational love be even worse for household stability than two dads doing same? Would buying houses near each other allow Stuart and Jeffrey to protect their kids’ stability while looking for love elsewhere? And when is it a good idea to get a divorce for the children’s sake? Read on!

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Q&A from "Stepmarriages: Keeping love alive when they're somebody else's kids"

Wise Readers, Bioparents and biokids need alone-time—but why might stepdad/stepkid alone-time be dangerous? What if you know you don’t like the kid—should you get married anyway? Is there an evolved psychology behind Evil Stepmothering? How long does it take to make Steps feel like Family? And how many baggages can you carry? Read on!

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Q&A from "The Ex Files: How and why to get along with your former mate"

How and why can Exes *avoid* the expense and pain of court for custody issues? How can you set boundaries without legal involvement? Or handle things when the other parent is a no-show, or the child doesn’t want to see him or her? Do kids *really* need two parents—and how to make that happen? Do the rules need to be the same at both houses? Read on!

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Q&A from "Ignorance or Ignore-ance? How to prevent abuse"

Wise Readers,One woman’s intuition gave her panic attacks—and she blamed her gut, not her guy! WHY do women ignore what they know? How is abuse different in homosexual relationships? How do abusers groom and pick their targets? And how can you *really* prevent child sexual abuse? (Hint: If you’re relying on the school district or institutions to do this—think again.) Read on!

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