Entries in pornography (8)


Intuition, Attachment, Love!

Wise Readers, Clients, & Friends:
Scope out this NEW podcast episode: Intuition (yes, it’s real!), Attachment Styles, and Love! I had a terrific time with REAL-ationship Talk host and cognitive-behavioral dating coach Teresha Young.
In this ‘Unveiling the Secrets: The Science of Love’ episode, we speak about:
Dr. Duana takes the guesswork out of finding and keeping love by decoding the science behind it.
Demystifying ‘Attachment Styles’: How this can impact your relationship and what you can do to positively change the dynamic.
Fact: Intuition is not woo-woo! It’s a real thing. Discover how to harness it for dating and relationship success!
Mating biology and evolution: Why women and men behave differently in dating and how to navigate it.
Unlocking the power of self-love to attract and create your desired relationship.
And so much more!
Content Warning: This episode contains discussions on sensitive topics that may be distressing or triggering for some listeners. Listener discretion is advised. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, national helplines for domestic violence and abuse can provide confidential support and resources.
I would love to hear how this episode impacted you. Please do let me know your top takeaways. Enjoy!
Want more love in your life? Whether you’re single, partnered, or questioning anything about relationships, get coaching with Dr. Duana Welch:



PORN: Pastime, or Peril?

It’s a bigger money-maker than all pro sports—combined, every year. But what impact does porn have on relationships?

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Bullcrit: Fifty Shades Of Gr, um...Evolutionary Psychology

Dear Duana, I’d like to hear you discuss a current oddity. Why has the book Fifty Shades of Grey reached such a crest of popularity? It’s badly written, the characters—such as they are—are unsympathetic, and the plot pushes women into a role we’ve spent centuries changing. The heroine is clueless, a willing victim to a hero who is cruel, scarred and without a single redeeming virtue. Yet the female readers of this mishmash are wild about it and have made it an ongoing best seller. I’d like your opinion on why that has happened and if the book’s popularity does say something about the women of today.

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Q&A from “WHEN SIZE MATTERS: Penis size and women’s satisfaction”

Your responses to the Penis Size column resulted in answers to many fascinating questions: If women aren’t so phallus-focused, why are *men* intently measuring themselves? What’s the height/penis-size relationship? What do women report as the most important dimension for their pleasure? Does a woman’s size have anything to do with it? Are there racial differences in size? Can weight loss make your penis bigger? Do vasectomy and/or circumcision make a difference in either sex’s satisfaction? Read on!

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Why Porn Is Boring...To Women

Wise Readers, ABC News online interviewed me about porn this week, asking why women don’t watch much porn. Answer? Because it’s boring…

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