Entries in Love Factually branding (3)


Empowered Dating: treating yourself right to find Mr. Right

Wise Readers,

If you date men (no matter your gender), you may have noticed an unhelpful pattern…the one where you decide, almost immediately, that this one is The One, without having the evidence to back it up; the one where you feel defeated and scared the entire time you’re getting involved, because your’e not nurturing your own boundaries; or the one where you chase him, you then get id’d as low-status…and he never really commits. 

 These actions and outcomes are a common feature of what I call mini-marriages: giving commitment and throwing yourself all-in with someone you don’t know well enough yet.

This is painful and harmful no matter who you are, but if you date men, it’s especially hurtful. As you know from my books, science is abundantly clear that the gender you identify with and the one you want to attract each have their own specific mating psychology. So if you want a man, you need to send signals that attract rather than repel them—while nurturing your own high status by loving yourself, having healthy boundaries, and dating with confidence. (You can find out all about this and get free content at www.LoveFactually.co)

The good news? You can empower yourself with some simple mindset and behavior changes. It’s much more effective. And it feels so, so much better than the reverse! 

And that’s why I am recommending this free resource for you: the Empowered Dating Playbook, by Dr. Karin Anderson-Abrell. I’ve been on her terrific Love & Life podcast several times, and each time I come away knowing just why women find her so helpful. 

If you’re tired of the I’ve-seen-this-movie-and-it-doesn’t-end-well feeling; if you want to feel more peaceful and optimistic and complete while you date; if you want better results simply by changing your mindset—I encourage you to read this booklet. 

Here you go!




Love Factually series continues with second full length book and 24 shorter e-books


Wise Readers, 

#LoveFactually is global! Loving this new article in EugeneScene.org by Daniel Buckwalter. If you know a single parent—or a formerly-single parent, now repartnered—or you’re the possible partner—read on! If you want to know what’s next—read on. BLUE COVERS ONLY—accept no substitutes!


What's In A Name? The Battle For Love Factually Branding

Wise Readers: 

What’s in a name? That’s the question at this blog, #OnRebuilding, today—its author asked me about  #LoveFactually, the brand battle for that title, and what makes my Love Factually THE Love Factually. NEW:


Love Factually—yesterday, today, and tomorrow: 
